5 Unusual Herbs For People Suffering From Diabetes | TheHealthSite.com

2022-07-15 22:02:15 By : Mr. Hill Lee Sawtru

Written by Kinkini Gupta | Updated : July 11, 2022 4:26 PM IST

Diabetes is a major and unusually common public health concern across the globe. It affects the bodies’ capability to convert food to energy. For a diabetic person, this body produces insufficient insulin and also is not able to utilise it as effectively as a non-diabetic person can. The blood sugar level of a diabetic person fluctuates a lot and that leads to a host of problems. There are various steps that you can take to reduce the blood sugar levels. Herbs play a major role in this. Take a look at which herbs are beneficial to reduce blood sugar levels.

Ginseng berry extract is an herbal supplement that can increase insulin sensitivity and bring blood sugar levels back to normal. Ginseng is found in asia and America. Both are an effective herb in lowering blood sugar levels in people who have diabetes. This has been used as a form of traditional medicine for a long time.

The study suggests that a reasonable amount of milk thistle results in lowing glucose levels in people with diabetes, however, one needs to be careful while consuming it as it can lead to nausea and diarrhea as well as bloating. People who are taking any kind of supplements must consult their doctor before trying it.

This herb might be unknown by a lot of people but it has amazing properties that can help diabetes patients. This plant fiber is found in fiber supplements and laxatives. It has been used to treat cholesterol from historical times. People suffering from type-two diabetes should take 10 grams of psyllium daily to improve their blood sugar levels and blood cholesterol.

This is a popular ingredient of Asian cooking and traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to relieve thirst and fatigue, which are possible symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that extract of bitter melon can reduce blood sugar.

Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that comes from India. Its name means “sugar destroyer.” Studies say that it is very effective against type-1 and type-2 diabetes. In people with type-1 diabetes, the people who took the leaf extract for 18 months, their blood sugar levels fell significantly, compared with a group who received only insulin. Other tests found that people with type 2 diabetes responded well to both the leaf and its extract over various periods. This leaf can be used both in its grounded form or its extract.

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